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Antenatal care: Antenatal care Definition

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Antenatal care: Antenatal care Definition

Pregnancy care is the most important, postpartum (after birth) care used for expectant mothers. Pregnancy care includes various treatments and procedures to ensure a healthy and smooth pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, labor and delivery for mother and baby.

In this article, we will talk about pregnancy care in detail-

What is prenatal care? (What is Prenatal Care in English)

Prenatal care is the care taken before the baby is born. Good prenatal care includes good health of the baby.
Good prenatal care helps the baby grow and develop and keeps mother and baby healthy.
Prenatal care begins three months before a woman starts trying to conceive.

Antenatal care Of Mother

Some healthy practices should be followed during prenatal care:

Quit smoking
Avoid consuming alcohol
Limit caffeine intake
Avoid exposure to chemicals and other toxic substances

What are the various diagnostic tests recommended during prenatal care?

Blood test: Initially, a blood test is done to check for HCG hormone, which confirms pregnancy.

Ultrasound: It helps to check the growth and development of the baby and helps in determining a due date.

Glucose test: This is a test done to check for gestational (gestational) diabetes.

Amniocentesis: This is a test done to check for any genetic problems and birth defects.

The following care should be taken after delivery:

Get enough rest:
It is important for new mothers to get enough rest after delivery to rebuild their energy.

Nutritional intake:
Eating a healthy and balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding foods high in fat.

If you want to have a child, you should consult your doctor beforehand. So that you can be 100% sure about your physical affairs. And follow the doctor’s advice from the beginning of pregnancy. So that you can arrange prenatal care for your unborn child. Medicines, medical tests, vaccinations should be done as needed….

Antenatal care schedule

Moderate ideal food intake:
Many think that the mother of two during pregnancy Food should be eaten together. A normal and nutritious diet is sufficient for the mother during the first three months. A pregnant mother should have enough balanced food in her diet. Bread and rice are the main food of our country. In this case, red rice or red flour bread is good for expectant mothers. Fish, meat, eggs, milk should be in the daily food list. A fetus needs a lot of calcium for growth. Milk contains a lot of calcium. There is no alternative to vegetables to avoid constipation. So it is recommended to have vegetables in the daily food list. Vitamins A, B, C, D and K are important for pregnant women. Eat more fruits.

Regular exercise:

Antenatal care introduction

Regular exercise during pregnancy is beneficial. Even if you think about the unborn child, the expectant mother should do some exercises according to the rules. But thisTime exercise is unlike any other time. Balanced exercise should be done at this time. No heavy exercise can be done.

Taking care of mental health:
If the amount of mental stress and anxiety during pregnancy is more than normal then it has harmful effects on the baby. Depression is a disease. Along with physical health, mental health is also important…..

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Tags – Antenatal care , Health Tips

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