Categories: Skin Care

Aroma Magic Vitamin C Facial Kit Review

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Aroma Magic Vitamin C Facial Kit Review

Aroma Magic Vitamin C Skin Lightening Facial Kit is great,, works well for everyone,, Vitamin C Skin Lightening Facial is our unique signature offering and specially created for the salon and spa industry. This facial is a 6-step professional treatment that takes just 50 minutes A damp cotton pad on the eyes and brows and a thin strip on the lips Keep it Apply all over face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes to let the mask work its magic. Gently peel off the mask starting from the inside and wipe off with a cotton pad dipped in lukewarm water.

Aroma Magic Vitamin C Facial Kit Small

Formulated with natural sources of vitamin C, this gel brightens skin and protects against UV rays and aging. It helps with anti-pigmentation and skin cell regeneration properties.

 Vitamin C absorbs into the skin most effectively after cleansing…..!!

aroma magic vitamin c facial kit -single use

A good daily skin care routine is essential to maintain a healthy looking, fresh skin but every now and then we need a facial treatment at a beauty salon. These kits help detoxify the skin and keep the skin smooth and soft.

Aroma Magic Vitamin C Facial Kit Single Use

how to use

Step 1: Cleanse face gently for 3 minutes with Vitamin C Gel Cleanser. Wipe off with damp cotton.

Step 2: Apply a layer of Vitamin C Exfoliating Gel all over face and neck, eye area Leave aside for 10 minutes. Gently massage face with dry fingers for 3 minutes and wipe off.

Step 3: Apply one ampoule of vitamin C concentrate all over the face and neck and

Leave it for 3 minutes to allow absorption.

Step 4: Massage the face with vitamin C massage gel for 15 minutes and wipe.

Spray Vitamin C Hydrating Spray gently all over face and neck and leave it on…..!!

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Tags – Aroma Magic , Skin Care, Skin Tips


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