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Best Way To Make Chicken Soup At Home – Chicken Soup Recipe

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Best Way To Make Chicken Soup At Home – Chicken Soup Recipe

Best Healthy Chicken Soup Recipe

Nutritious and protein rich chicken soup is very beneficial for the body. Chicken soup works especially well against viral flu. What else does it take to have a hot bowl of chicken soup in winter? But let’s not know the recipe of chicken soup.

Indian Chicken Soup Recipe

* What you need to make *
1. 300 grams of chicken meat.
2. 2 tablespoons chopped onion.
3. Garlic powder 1 table-spoon.
4. Half a tea-spoon of ginger.
5. Chilli powder
. Pepper-powder half a tea-spoon.
. 1 teaspoon of salt.
6. Butter 1 table-spoon.
9. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
10. Tomato sauce 1 tbsp.
11. 1 teaspoon of cornflower.
12. 1 egg.
13. 1 teaspoon of coriander leaves.
14. Peas
15. Cabbage
* How to make Chicken Soup *
Boil the meat in water first. When the water is almost dry, drain the water.
Fry onion, garlic and adakuchi together with butter in another pot. Now add the boiled water and stir with all the ingredients except egg, cornflower and lemon juice. Beat eggs and lemon juice together and gently pour in the soup and keep stirring. After a while, cover with the rest of the ingredients for a while. Then when it is almost open the lid is over
Sprinkle with coriander leaves and serve with a delicious hot chicken soup.
I hope you like it, try it at home.

Tags – Food Recipe, Coocking
Moni Sarkar

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