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Easy Homemade Vegetable Soup Recipe In 10 Minutes – Tips

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Easy Homemade Vegetable Soup Recipe  In 10 Minutes – Tips

Easy Homemade Vegetable Soup

There are plenty of fresh vegetables available in winter. Different types of soups can be made at home with those vegetables. Homemade soup with a variety of fresh vegetables will help you stay healthy during this time of winter. There is hardly any healthy food like soup to keep the body warm in winter. Or you can make a vegetable soup and eat it even if you don’t like to eat anything.

Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe

* How to make healthy vegetable soup *

To make vegetable soup, first put a teaspoon of refined oil and a little ghee in the pan. When the oil is hot, fry it well with a spoonful of crushed garlic, so that the smell of garlic goes away. After a while, I will fry it well again with 2 tablespoons of chopped onion. Then I will pour the chopped carrots and capsicum and onion sprouts one by one. And I will give a small bowl of cabbage crumbs.
Then fry all the vegetables well for four to five minutes. When it is fried, add 1 liter of water and salt to taste. I will cover the water for about 10 minutes. Now open the lid and stir with two spoons of coriander leaves and one spoon of beans.
On the other hand, in another bowl, mix two teaspoons of cornflower with a little water, because if you add this cornflower, the concentration of the soup will be nice. In the soup, I will add one teaspoon of black pepper powder, one teaspoon of lemon juice, and the mixed conflora, then I will mix it well and stir the soup.
The soup is ready … And
Try the hot vegetable delicious vegetable soup.

Moni Sarkar

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