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Fatty liver exercise at home

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Fatty liver exercise at home

Liver is one of the most important organs of our body. This organ is associated with the vital functions of our body. Associated with thousands of functions including removing bad substances from the body, aiding digestion. Meanwhile, our bad lifestyle and eating habits have a negative impact on the liver. So it is a duty to be aware.

Exercise to cure fatty liver

Liver contains little fat. In that case, diseases like liver fibrosis and cirrhosis are nests in the body binds But it is not possible to fight this disease by taking medicine only. You can rely on a few exercises. That will eliminate this disease –

1l Paschimottanasana: First, sit with your legs spread and your spine straight. Breathe well. After that, straighten both hands above the head and extend them in the posture of Namaskar. Exhale this time. In this situation, hold the ankle with both hands. Head over feet this time keep Then slowly return to the previous position.

What Is Best Exercise for fatty liver

2. Holasana: Lie down on the mat with your back down. After that, keeping the hands on the ground, the legs with the axle should slowly touch the ground with the joint above the head.

3. Dhanurasana: Lie down on the mat with the stomach facing down. Bend the knees and hold both ankles with both hands. With inhaling, the navel should touch the ground and raise the whole body. By doing this it is possible to reduce belly fat.

4. Cycling and swimming are also good exercises. Even if these two exercises are done regularly, the body remains healthy. Even shed fat. So people suffering from fatty liver should do this exercise regularly.

5. Cut down on alcohol: Alcohol is bad for the liver, so it doesn’t matter if you have a fatty liver. Avoid alcohol completely.

6. Drink plenty of water: Water flushes out toxins or harmful substances from the body. As a result, the liver is also good.

Fatty liver exercise plan

7. Reduce sugar intake

Fatty liver means accumulation of fat in the liver. It is not wrong to say that sugar or sweet food is poison for the liver. So cut down on sugar altogether.

8. Bhujangasana: Lie down on the mat with the stomach facing down. Both hands will be on either side of the shoulders. After that, take a breath and slowly lift your shoulders off the ground.

9. Forehead: PadmasanaSit in the pose and breathe through your mouth and hold for a few moments. This time slowly exhale through the nose. Make sure that the stomach comes inward a little while exhaling….!!

Read More,

Energy Saving Tips For Summer

Tags – exercise , Health Tips


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