Categories: Skin Care

Himalaya Face Scrub Pouch

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Himalaya Face Scrub Pouch

Himalaya Purifying Neem Scrub contains the goodness of apricot kernels and neem paste. Helps to exfoliate dead cells from the skin, remove blackheads, antibacterial properties of neem improve skin health, fight bacterial infections. Treat the root cause of acne with Himalaya Purifying Neem Scrub which acts as a preventative for problem free skin.

Himalaya Face Scrub Pouch benefits

 And works as a remedy for those with acne-prone skin. This Himalayan neem scrub is enriched with natural neem extracts known for their anti-bacterial and cleansing properties to keep your skin free from that pesky breakout. Neem Gun will cure all your skin problems. The cleansing properties of herbal extracts effectively remove dead cells and impurities from your face.

Himalaya Face Scrub Is Best

Know what are the benefits of Himalaya Face Scrub –

Moisturize the skin.

Removes acne.

Remove blackheads.

Make the skin soft and fresh.

Himalaya Face Scrub price

Terms of Use

Apply Himalaya scrub on your face.

Massage gently.

Rinse thoroughly with water. And dry it.

Use at least once a week for best results…..!!

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Tags – Skin Care , Face Scrub


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