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How To Make Tomato Egg Soup Easily – Tomato Egg Soup Recipe By Expert

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How To Make Tomato Egg Soup Easily – Tomato Egg Soup Recipe By Expert

Tomato Egg Soup Recipe

Whether it is rainy season or winter, hot soup is a favorite of all of us, make one tomato soup in just 15 minutes. This soup does not take much time to make and can be made with very few ingredients.

Tomato Egg Drop Soup Indian Style

* What materials are needed *
1. Tomatoes
2. Vinegar
3. Chop the onion
4. Pepper powder
5. Oil
6. Eggs
. Chicken
6. Salt
9. Soy sauce
10. Coriander leaves

Tomato Egg Soup Calories

* How to make *
First boil water in a pot. Put tomatoes in boiling water. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
Now heat oil in a pan and fry onion pieces in that oil. When the onion is lightly fried, add the boiled tomatoes, chicken stock, soy sauce, vinegar, black pepper powder and a pinch of salt and sugar. Keep stirring for 10 to 15 minutes after boiling.
Beat the egg whites well and then slowly pour the egg whites on top of the soup and stir the soup. Shake down for another five minutes.
Finally, test to see if the salt is all right. When all is well, take it down and serve with egg tomato soup.
Also read,
Moni Sarkar

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