Categories: Skin Care

Lotus White Glow Cream Benefits

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Lotus White Glow Cream Benefits

Lotus White Glow Skin Whitening and Brightening Nourishing Night Cream is a popular skin care product. This cream is made entirely from natural ingredients and enhances the skin’s radiance and provides protection against the harsh rays of the sun.

This cream contains hydroxy acids and all the essential ingredients for skin health which helps in removing dark spots and increases melanin production.

Lotus White Glow good for skin

This cream is ideal for use at night and works to improve skin radiance, pigmentation and overall skin health. It increases skin collagen production, improves skin texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

The cream’s active ingredients help lighten skin tone and reduce dark spots and blemishes. It helps improve skin texture by promoting cell regeneration and collagen production.

Key ingredients of this cream include glycerin, mulberry extract and Saxifrage extract. Glycerin is a natural humectant that helps hydrate the skin, while mulberry extract helps reduce dark spots and blemishes. Saxifrage extract helps reduce skin inflammation and increase skin radiance.

What are the benefits of lotus white glow cream

Lightens skin tone

Reduces uneven pigmentation and evens skin tone

Reduces dark spots to reveal visibly fairer skin

It brightens your skin tone and adds a natural glow to it

Country of Origin: India Unique Gel + Cream Formula

What is Lotus White Glow used for

Infused with the goodness of saxifraga and milk enzymes

Infused with the goodness of saxifraga and milk enzymes

Light weight non sticky texture

A lightweight cream that absorbs quickly and penetrates deep into the skin.

Is White Glow good for your face

Rejuvenates the skin from within and provides extra radiance. It makes the skin look fresher and lighter than before. It protects the skin from UVA and UVB rays and thus effectively prevents skin darkening…..!!

Read More,

Good Vibes Ubtan Night Cream Benefits

Tags – Skin Care, Skin Tips, Cream


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