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Medicine For Stomach Infection

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Medicine For Stomach Infection

What is a stomach infection?

Stomach infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses and cause irritation of the lining of the digestive tract, an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, medically known as viral gastroenteritis. Abdominal infection has multiple symptoms including abdominal pain, irritation. Also no desire to eat. There are multiple symptoms including nausea, indigestion, vomiting. Stomach infections can be fatal in people with weakened immune systems. And so try to avoid this infection from the beginning.

Medicine For Stomach Infection And pain

What are its main signs and symptoms?

Common symptoms of stomach infections caused by bacteria and viruses

weight loss
loss of appetite
Chills or sweating
sticky skin

Common questions that come to mind when you have a stomach infection are-

Generally eating stale food, oily spicy food increases the chances of stomach infection.
If you have stomach problems, you should boil water and eat it. Also eat completely boiled rice, crackers.

Medicine For Stomach Infection during pregnancy

To control diarrhea or upset stomach:
In case of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or upset stomach where fluid intake is not tolerated or vomiting occurs, intravenous fluids are necessary.

Controlling dehydration:
Electrolyte and fluid replacement solutions or freezer pops are advised to correct dehydration.

Cola, fruit juice and soda are said to be avoided.
Instead of drinking too much water, it is recommended to drink small amounts of water.
Controlling Nausea and Vomiting: Try to eat small amounts of foods like plain yogurt, bananas, fresh apples, well-cooked vegetables, pulses, baked or stewed potatoes, lean meats and breads…!!

Medicine For Stomach Infection For babies

Currant seeds: Consuming currant seeds gives quick relief from stomach infections. Pomegranate contains anti-inflammatory properties, which work to reduce intestinal inflammation. Due to which the problem of stomach pain is reduced.

Medicine For Stomach Infection and fever

Nutmeg Oil: This oil helps kill infection causing bacteria.
Cloves and hot water: Boiling 8-10 cloves in hot water every day cures stomach infections…..

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