Categories: Skin Care

Pears Face wash Review

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Pears Face wash Review

Pear Pure & Gentle Face Wash is a mild face wash from a brand that doesn’t weigh your skin down, trusted to be gentle on even the most sensitive skin types. It is enriched with pure glycerin, milk proteins and natural oils that maintain your skin’s natural balance and leave it feeling soft and supple. This gentle cleanser has a mild fragrance.

Pears ultra mild face wash review


Pear Pure & Gentle Face Wash contains 98% pure glycerin to keep your skin hydrated and soft and supple.

It’s a gentle glycerin-based cleanser that won’t disturb your skin’s natural balance.

The nourishing milk protein present in this face wash cleanses your skin and gives you a fair complexion.

Pears Oil clear face wash review

It maintains the pH balance and hydration levels of the skin.

Pear Pure & Gentle Face Wash is a 100% soap-free face wash that leaves your skin feeling soft, glowing and beautiful.



the water

Sodium laureth

Milk protein

natural oil

Pears face wash For sensitive skin


PEAR PURE AND GENTLE FACE WASH A light face wash to keep your skin looking youthful and radiant, it contains 98% pure glycerin. Contains which is a natural moisturizer. It ensures that your skin stays hydrated and supple throughout the day.

This face wash has a soap-free formulation that leaves your skin feeling fresh, renewed and replenished while keeping it soft.

how to use

Wet your face and neck with lukewarm water.

Take a small amount of Pear Pure Face Wash in your palm. on your face and neck Gently massage the product in an upward circular motion for thirty to sixty seconds.

Is Pears face wash Good For skin

Rinse with lukewarm water and dry your skin with a soft towel.

Use twice a day for best results.

Contains 98% pure glycerin

Gently cleanses and removes impurities

Ultra mild ‘ph-balanced’ formula does not disturb your skin’s natural balance.

What are the benefits?

Keeps your skin young

Keeps your skin moisturized by locking in your skin’s natural moisture

Contains pure glycerin…!!

Read More,

Lotus Face Wash Benefits

Tags – Skin Care, Fash Wash


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