Categories: Skin Care

Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream

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Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream

If you have stubborn dark spots on your face, I suggest using Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream at least once, with spf15 which blocks harmful UV a, UV b sun rays, Anti-spot formula with Vitamin B3 inside. Lightens dark spots..Gives bright glowing skin,,Evens skin tone,,,

Moisturizes the skin. After applying this cream, the skin becomes very fair.

Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream ingredients

In today’s hot sun, just 10 minutes of going outside can leave stubborn black spots on the skin. Because this cream’s anti-spot formula with pro-vitamin B3 is clinically proven to fade stubborn dark spots from within. Pro-Vitamin B3 is a powerful skin brightening agent proven to reduce stubborn dark spots from within to reveal beautiful and blemish-free skin from the outside. It is the melanin on the surface of the skin Brightens skin and dark spots by inhibiting migration to reveal a clear and transparent blemish-free complexion.

Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream benefits

How to use –

Wash the face thoroughly and apply moisturizer, then take the cream and massage evenly on the skin, rest of the forehead, nose, both sides of the cheeks, chin and both sides of the neck so that the cream Spreads evenly and penetrates deep into your skin, especially on dark spots. Do this daily to see your blemish-less glowing skin with a difference. Fades stubborn dark spots, giving you spots less shine –

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How To Use Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream


Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream – 35 gm fades stubborn dark spots.

It comes with spf15 which blocks harmful UVA and UVB sun raysIts anti-spot formula with vitamin B3 lightens dark spots from within.

It reveals bright glowing skin with regular use.

It evens out skin tone.

It moisturizes your skin.


Store it away from direct sunlight and heat.

Store it in a cool and dry place…..

Tags – Pond’s Bright Beauty Cream ,Skin Care


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