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Republic Day 2024 Best Speech For Students

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Essay Writing On Republic Day: 26th January is very important in all of our lives. We all know that 26th January is Republic Day. Right after Netaji’s birth anniversary, the patriotism of all of us gets excited around this day. This day is very important in the mind of every Indian….This day is celebrated in different parts of the country…The picture of the country’s mixed culture and its great heritage emerges in every state, district, city, village. People from all the cities and villages of the country including Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai meet at one place on this day….

Republic Day Speech In English For Class 1

Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi named 26th January as ‘Independence Determination Day’. Under the leadership of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, an oath was taken in 1929 to bring full Swaraj. After that, January 26, 1930 was declared as Independence Day. But in the end it didn’t work out.

As a result, the significance of the date January 26 changed. Although independence was achieved in 1947, the constitution was still not made. After about two and a half years, the largest constitution in the world, the Constitution of India, was drafted Which is declared as Republic Day on 26th January. Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August because on this day India was freed from British rule. And on January 26, Republic Day is celebrated.

Every year a large number of people throng the Red Road Square to witness the Republic Day celebrations. Multiple gates are constructed for visitors to enter. It is also possible to sit in the gallery to watch the show. Additional police were deployed for surveillance.

Republic Day Short And Essay Speech

Drone cameras are flown. This time his fleet is much less. However, the administration has assured that the security system will remain tight. There will be a special police security ring and drone cameras. The state administration is extra cautious….!!

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