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Zinc Oxide Sunscreen Usage and Benefits

Many mineral sunscreens can leave an unsightly white or gray-ish residue on the skin. Non-nano zinc oxide enriched sunscreens with larger particles are more likely to leave this residue than sunscreens with smaller or nanoparticles.

In the past, there were few options for Clear Zinc Oxide enriched sunscreens that left little to no whitening and were free from harmful chemicals. Clear Zinc Oxide enriched sunscreens have many skin benefits and can be highly effective in protecting the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Keep reading to find out more about the benefits of clear zinc oxide.

IMG_20230614_132121-1686729091585 Zinc Oxide Sunscreen Usage and Benefits

What are the benefits of zinc oxide sunscreen

What is Zinc Oxide?
Zinc oxide is a mineral traditionally used in sunscreen products known to effectively protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays. In addition to being widely used in sun care, Zinc oxide is also a prominent ingredient in skin care products for acne, burns, diaper rashes, and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Zinc oxide has been known to have an ability to help calm, soothe, and moisturize the skin.

What is zinc sunscreen used for

Clear zinc oxide is a UV filter that is compliant with the natural cosmetic standards of the Natural Products Association. This zinc oxide powder is made of micron-sized zinc oxide and is less whitening on the skin due to it not reflecting as much light as the typical non-nano zinc oxide particles.

Part of the clear zinc oxide is enriched with larger particles which makes it as efficacious as regular non-nano zinc oxide making it safe to use on the skin and non-harmful to the ecosystem.

Why Avoid Chemical-Based Sunscreen
Chemical sunscreens are made up of ingredients like oxybenzone, octinoxate, octocrylene, and avobenzone. Chemical sunscreens work by allowing UV light into the skin and transforming it into something not harmful. Since chemical sunscreens need to be absorbed into your skin, it can take up to 30 minutes for the sunscreen to become effective.

These chemicals have also been linked to coral reef damage and may also disrupt hormones and cause allergic reactions.

Is zinc sunscreen OK for face

Benefits :-
Non-nano clear zinc oxide can be very beneficial to the skin. As aforementioned, unlike chemical sunscreens, mineral sunscreens enriched with clear zinc oxide sits on top of the skin instead of absorbing into the skin, making it a safer, cleaner alternative.

When sunscreens absorb deeply into the skin they can also penetrate the blood stream and can even affect the lungs. Clear zinc oxide is a mineral sunscreen that works to protect the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays while also moisturizing the skin and not damaging the ecosystem.

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Tags – Skin Care, Sunscreen

By Bristy

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