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De-Tan Scrub For Face & Body|| De-Tan Scrub Review

Summer means skin problems. Going out in the sun will tan. Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. But to avoid tan, you have to cover your face, hands and feet. That too is not possible this summer. Skin color changes when exposed to the sun. Melanin levels increase. This condition is called hyperpigmentation. And D-Tan pack is very effective in removing this tan…Also using D-Tan pack makes the skin soft…

IMG_20230914_131141-1694677315539 De-Tan Scrub For Face & Body || De-Tan Scrub Review

De-Tan Scrub Uses

Strong de-mineralized water with deionized water draws out impurities from the skin, leaving it deeply cleansed. It is a pure solution and a natural detoxifier….!!

By exfoliating the skin it gently unclogs the pores and deeply cleanses the skin. The added goodness of cloves and walnut powder makes it rich in antioxidants.

De-Tan Scrub Remove Tan

Benefits of Glycerin For a fresh-looking and smooth skin, glycerin is an excellent humectant. It comes with exfoliating properties and adds a protective layer to the skin….!!

A unisex scrub made from natural ingredients, it is suitable for face and body use. It can be used by both men and women. It is suitable for all skin types…..

De tan scrub for face & body benefits

Take this body scrub and rub it on the skin with light hands. After 2-3 minutes wash off with cold water. You can use this body scrub once a week. This will remove all the tan….!!

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By Bristy

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