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Title – Which Sun Rays Protect SPF: How does sunscreen protect your skin from uv radiation

IMG_20230706_092029-1688615478324 Which Sun Rays Protect SPF ? How does sunscreen protect your skin from uv radiation

how does sunscreen protect your skin from uv light

Sunscreen protects your skin against Ultraviolet(UV) Rays. UV Rays are always present, even if the sky is not clear.

IMG_20230706_092042-1688615478096 Which Sun Rays Protect SPF ? How does sunscreen protect your skin from uv radiation

how does sunblock protect your skin from uv radiation

These rays penetrate deep into the skin where they can damage and even kill skin cells. Sunburn is our skin’s reaction to this radiation burn from the sun. These dangerous rays can cause sun damage, aging, and melanoma – the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Sunscreen blocks these rays and will lessen the damage they can do to our skin.

IMG_20230706_092107-1688615477909 Which Sun Rays Protect SPF ? How does sunscreen protect your skin from uv radiation

how does Sunscreen work

Broad spectrum sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or more are considered the best for protecting us against the UV rays from the sun. Broad spectrum means you are being protected against both UVA and UVB rays.

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Tags – SUNSCREEN , Skin care

By Bristy

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