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Avoli Fish Benefits

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Avoli  Fish Benefits

The fish is white in color. This fish is an excellent source of protein and unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids. With different types of fish available, it is very important to know the nutritional value they provide. It is well known for its delicious aroma. Add it to your dinner or lunch routine.

Pomfret Fish Benefits during in pregnancy

This fish is high in calcium, vitamins D, A and B (especially vitamin B12, essential for the nervous system). It contains iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland. Evoli fish has many health benefits. People believe that it promotes overall growth of the body, improves memory and strengthens the body.

When it comes to taste, both kids and adults are sure to love this fish.

Benefits of this fish

Lean protein is thought to help maintain cardiovascular health.

Pomfret Fish Benefits For Skin

The omega-3 fatty acids present in it can play an important role in preventing blood clotting

 the body

These fatty acids also help reduce tissue inflammation and relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent depression in the elderly.

Improves eyesight – Fish is beneficial for our eyes and memory. Omega-3 fatty acids protect the eyes and help reduce blurred vision

What happens if you eat fish everyday

Joint Pain Relief – Seafood is excellent for strengthening our bones.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D found in aquatic foods, such as freshwater pomfret, can help with bone growth and development. Vitamin D helps in the regeneration of our skin cells.

It is an excellent source of B vitamins essential for the nervous system, including calcium, vitamins A and D, and vitamin B12. It also provides iodine, which is important for the thyroid gland. A useful brain food, pomfret is good for eyesight and healthy hair and skin…..

How to make this fish –



 4 servings

250gm (4) Fish

1 tbsp Chilli powder

half tbsp Turmeric powder

as needed Salt

1 tsp Lemon juice

1 cup Shallots

2 tsp Ginger garlic crushed

1 tbsp Curry leaves

half tbsp Pepper powder

1 Big onion (sliced thinly)

2 (small) Tomatoes chopped

1 tbsp Coconut oil

half cup Thick coconut milk

Marinate the fish for 10 minutes with chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and lemon juice.

Step 2

Lightly fry the marinated fish with coconut oil in a hot pan. Remove from heat. In the same hot pan add crushed ginger garlic, chopped shallot and chopped onion, stir on low heat, and add required salt, curry leaves, chopped tomatoes, green chillies and chilli powder. Cover it for 2 minutes. a collarPlace a fish on the leaf and top with fish masala fillings. Bake it in a preheated pan for 2 minutes. Serve hot. Delicious avoli fish roast is ready to serve……..

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Healthiest Food In The World

Tags – Fish, Health Tips


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