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Benefits Of Coconut

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Benefits Of Coconut

Coconut is a fruit which belongs to the Cocos nucifera palm. This mature nut is one of the most used ingredients in the kitchens of India. Hundreds of coconut species are found all over India and its taste vary according to its soil alkalinity. Its outer part is of green in colour which turns brown as it matures. Underneath the hard shell is the white edible meat.

Benefits Of Coconut water

Wondering how to eat coconut? The freshly harvested coconut contains sweet water which is extremely beneficial for health. Coconut is a healthy nut that can be used safely as a food. It is mainly reaction free.

Nutritional Highlights :
Coconuts are highly nutritious and rich in fibre, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6 and minerals including iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.Unlike cow’s milk, coconut milk is lactose free so can be used as a milk substitute by those with lactose intolerance.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair

Health Benefits of Coconut :

Prevents Skin Cancer
It improves the moisture and lipid content in the skin and prevents skin cancer by blocking 20% of harsh Ultra Violet rays. It can be used as a body and skin moisturiser as it hydrates the skin by replenishing the natural oils. Coconut oil can also be used to clean the face by rubbing it in circular motions.

Healthy Bones And Teeth

Eating coconuts regularly supports the development of healthy bones and teeth. It improves the body’s ability to absorb calcium and manganese which aid bone development. It also prevents osteoporosis, a condition which makes the bones thin and fragile and loses its density. Thus it is a healthy alternative for those who are lactose intolerant.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin

Nutritious And Healthy
Coconut water is considered to be more nutritious and healthier than whole milk. It contains lauric acid which is considered equivalent to mother’s milk. It is naturally sterile as it permeates through the filtering husk. It also cures hangover. Coconut water has a natural isotonic beverage in the same level as that in the blood.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil on face

Controls Diabetes
Coconut improves the insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose. It controls diabetes by positively affecting the hormones for blood sugar control. This slows down the rise in blood sugar level and helps to reduce glycemic cravings. Coconut benefits quick digestion and other symptoms associated with digestive and bowel disorders. It supports absorption of nutrients and minerals while providing dietary fibre. It also reduces vomiting and nausea.

Benefits Of Coconut Water in pregnancy

Boosts Immunity
Coconut nutrition is excellent for the immunity system. It is antiviral, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic. Intake of coconut oil can help the body to mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that cause illness. That said, can you eat raw coconut? Consuming coconut in its raw form can help to treat some of the worst and most resilient illness like throat infections, bronchitis, urinary tract infection, tapeworms and other ailments caused by microbes.

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Tags – Coconut , Health benefits

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