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Bhai Dooj Quotes For Brother In English || Bhai Dooj Quotes For Brother In English Form Sister

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Diwali is coming to an end – it’s night now brothers and sisters. And from the first day of Diwali all the brothers and sisters start planning fraternity,,

about everything….!! This festival is celebrated around a beautiful relationship between brothers and sisters. Bhifonta is celebrated on the last day of Diwali. Drips on brother’s forehead and sweet, gifts wrap around …..

(10+Best Bhai Dooj Quotes, Messages, Greetings)

bhai dooj wishes for brother

Sisters give drops for the well-being of their brothers on the day of brotherhood. But these days greeting is a trend. So all the best for you brothers and sisters…..

1/ Dada you are like a father to me…..when I was in danger you kept me like a father. Thank you so much for always being by my side. Wishing you well on this auspicious day….Happy brotherhood.

2/ Dada I am proud to have you as a brother. The bond of this sweet relationship between you and me is unbreakable remains Today I wish you all the best for your future.

bhai dooj quotes for instagram

3/ I pray for your long life and good health in this brotherhood. Best wishes and congratulations to my sweet grandfather.

4/ God sent you to be with me in my day of trouble. Thank you so much for supporting me in good times and bad. May you live long. Happy brothers and sisters.

Bhai dooj quotes for instagram funny

5/ I hope this brotherhood makes our bond stronger than ever. Happy brotherhood 2023!

6/ Grandpa I can’t tell you how much I love you. On this day I will pray to God for your healthy life and long life. stay very well Happy brother grandfather.

Bhai Dooj wishes

7/ This brotherly auspicious day reminds us of the days of our love. Happy brotherhood.

8/ Good brother grandfather. Thank you very much for always supporting me. I hope all your dreams come true.

9/ Fraternity is the festival of sister’s prayer for brother’s well being, so Happy Fraternity.

10/ We may enjoy a few moments each day together…have faced the bad and bad times together. Happy brothers and sisters.

Bhai Dooj message in English

11/ On this auspicious day of our siblings today, we wish you brotherly greetings and lots of love.

12/ You could understand my heart before I said no since childhood. to feel my pain You did everything to make me happy. You are the best brother in the world. Happy brotherhood!

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Bhai Dooj Gift For Sister


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