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Biotin Rich Foods :Biotin Rich Foods For Hair Growth

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Biotin Rich Foods: Biotin Rich Foods For Hair Growth

Biotin is a B vitamin that helps the body convert food into energy. This vitamin is also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7 and it is an essential nutrient for eye, hair, skin, and brain function. It also helps improve the functioning of the liver function. Also, the body cannot store this nutrient thus you consume the foods rich in biotin daily to maintain the adequate levels.

Biotin Rich Foods Vegetarian

According to research, biotin deficiency is so rare that there isn’t enough evidence to establish a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for it. But if limited research is to be proved, the Daily Value (DV) for biotin is typically around 30 mcg per day.

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are a good source of fiber, unsaturated fat, and protein and different types of nuts and seeds differ in their biotin percentage.

Biotin Rich Foods In India

A 1/4-cup cup of roasted sunflower seeds offers 2.6 mcg of biotin, or 10% of the DV, while 1/4 cup (30 grams) of roasted almonds contains 1.5 mcg, or 5% of the DV.

You can either enjoy the nuts and seeds in their raw form or toss them into salads, pasta dishes, and stir-fries.
Egg Yolks
If you tend to discard egg yolks to eat egg whites only, you might be doing it wrong. Egg yolks contain many important nutrients including protein and biotin. Just make sure not to over-consume them. One whole egg including yolk provides 10 mcg Biotin.

Biotin Rich Foods Chart

Mushrooms are nutrient-rich fungi that offer several health benefits, including ample biotin. Mushrooms taste well over noodles, homemade pizzas, and in sauces and gravies, while it mushrooms can also be stuffed and baked, sautéed, or added to salads.

Avocados of all varieties are filled with nutrients such as fiber, vitamin A and C, niacin, folate, biotin and healthy fats. A serving of 100 grams of avocado will contain anywhere from 3.2 to 10 mcg of biotin.

Biotin Rich Foods For Skin

Adding broccoli to your diet means adding fiber, Vitamin A and C, calcium and yes, a bit of biotin too. If you add a half-cup of broccoli to your meal, you can expected around 0.4 mcg of biotin. It’s not a whole lot so pile on that broccoli or consider adding a biotin supplement to your daily routine.

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Tags – Biotin Rich Foods , Hair Growth

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