Categories: Skin Care

Can We Apply powder After sunscreen

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Can We Apply powder After sunscreen

Can I apply powder After sunscreen

We all know more or less how important sunscreen is in our lives, in this harsh sun, stepping outside the house with sunscreen or keeping it with you has become a kind of mandatory. Because this sunscreen protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. So it is must to protect the skin from sun. But if you plan to go out with make-up on, how do you apply sunscreen? In this case, apply gel or liquid sunscreen instead of creamy sunscreen before make-up. Make up on it the way you do it. It will keep your skin protected as well as glowing. Remember to never use a primer on your skin before sunscreen. It damages the skin. A cream that cares for the skin should always be applied first. Then foundation or primer.

Do You apply powder After sunscreen

Many people ask can we use powder after sunscreen?
Sunscreen should be the last step in your skin care routine, after which you can apply any makeup products. If you’re wondering, “Can I apply powder after sunscreen?” The answer is yes! Wait about 15-20 minutes for the sunscreen to absorb, then you can apply face powder……

Can I Apply Face powder After sunscreen

Yes you can definitely apply face powder after this simple and easy cleansing, toning, serum, moisturizing and sunscreen but a light sunscreen. And try applying light face powder.

There are many powder sunscreens available in the market that provide extra sun protection, absorb excess oil and give you an ultra-matte finish.

How much sunscreen to apply?
Simply put, you should use a little more sunscreen than you would a moisturizing cream.

When should I apply sunscreen before makeup?
-Skincare products should be applied well on the face before starting the makeup steps. So apply sunscreen before using primer.

How to select sunscreen according to skin type

Read More,

– We all have different skin types. So if the same product suits one person, it may not suit another person. Select sunscreen for the same reasonWhile doing so understand your skintype and buy the one that will suit you best. If your skin type is normal, choose a sunscreen with SPF 30. If your skin type is oily, use a sunscreen with SPF 50. And if you have dry skin, use a sunscreen that contains moisturizer.

Hope I could convince you….. If you have some more questions, please comment in inbox……. Stay healthy keep your skin beautiful……..


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