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Can we drink milk after 2 hours of eating chicken

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Can we drink milk after 2 hours of eating chicken

Milk is rich in vitamins, minerals and calcium. Milk is called a balanced food or ideal food for its nutritional value. But it is not right to drink milk after eating chicken meat. It is true that milk increases energy, but it also has dangers. Milk with chicken or any meat can harm not only digestion but your overall health.

All good foods have nutritional value. However, there are some foods that are very good for health when eaten separately, but when eaten together, they can cause various harm to the body. For example, eating milk after eating meat can cause psoriasis in addition to digestive disorders, meat and hilsa fish are both good to eat. Luscious posts too. However, eating together can cause digestive problems. There is a possibility of poisoning in the body. Ayurveda therefore strictly prohibits the consumption of milk and meat together. Skin problems can also occur from this combination. Digestive problems also occur.

Can we drink milk after eating chicken at night

Why do not eat meat and milk together?

Digestion of milk and meat is different. Nothing can be digested when played together. Eating milk and chicken together produces toxins in the body. And chicken meat takes more time to digest. So playing together causes multiple physical problems.Long-term use can cause multiple problems including stomachache, vomiting, indigestion, acidity, ulcers. Constipation is also one of the causes of the problem, but eating in this way.

can we drink milk after 2 hours of eating chicken

Milk is rich in vitamins, minerals and calcium. Milk is called a balanced food or ideal food for its nutritional value. But it is not right to drink milk after eating chicken meat. It’s true that milk increases energy, but isn’t it causing danger? However, there are some foods that are very good for health when eaten separately, but when eaten together, they can cause various harm to the body. For example, drinking milk after eating meat can cause complex skin problems like psoriasis, vitiligo, in addition to digestive disorders.

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can we drink milk after eating fish

Each food needs some time to digest. During that time, without any food being digested, if one goes up to the neck of the other, and if the two of them do not meet, then there is danger. Milk takes a long time to digest. On the other hand, as meat has a lot of protein, it is not easily digested. Therefore, eating milk and meat in a short period of time will not only cause digestive problems, but may also cause great damage to your body later.

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Stomach problems, long-term gas problems, skin problems, vomiting, and even severe diseases like ulcers or constipation can take root in the body. So it is better not to eat milk and meat at short intervals.If you have a habit of having milk with dinner, take it after some time. After taking milk take a little walk and then go to sleep..But digestion will be good…..

Tags – Health Tips

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