Categories: Skin Care

Cetaphil Cream For Oily Skin : Is Cetaphil Cream Good For Face

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Cetaphil Cream For Oily Skin : Is Cetaphil Cream Good For Face

This cream relieves many skin problems, is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, itchy skin and minor skin irritations (such as diaper rash, skin burns from radiation therapy). This cream also softens and moisturizes the skin and reduces itching and flaking.

Cetaphil Cream For Oily Skin Review

Cetaphil products are formulated for sensitive skin to reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation to improve skin radiance. the time Using a nighttime moisturizer helps you get the sleep your body needs. A nourishing night cream like Cetaphil Rich Hydrating Night Cream with Hyaluronic Acid protects skin from dryness throughout the night.

Cetaphil Cream For Oily Skin Benefits

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

A rich, fragrance-free moisturizer that delivers intense hydration and leaves even the driest skin feeling soft, smooth and healthy. Must use if your skin is rough.

A unique formula with the HELO system that binds water to the skin, preventing moisture loss. (H- Humectants; E- Emollients; L- Lipids; O- Occlusives)

Designed to provide immediate and long-lasting relief

Absorbs instantly and leaves skin feeling smooth, soft and protected

Contains sweet almond oil and vitamin E

Cetaphil Cream For Oily Skin Ingredients

Key Ingredients:



Dicaprylyl ether


Glyceryl stearate

Sweet almond oil

Tocopheryl acetate

Product information

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream for dry to normal, sensitive skin is a powerful blend of emollients and humectants that can help provide intense moisture. It can keep you hydrated. The cream can help manage dry and sensitive skin and prevent dry skin conditions. It has a non-greasy texture and is beneficial for nourishing your skin.

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Tags – Skin Care, Cream 


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