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Dosa Batter Recipe: Dosa Recipe Ingredients

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Dosa Batter Recipe – Dosa Recipe Ingredients

Dhosa is a bread-like dish from the Indian subcontinent made from dough balls or khami. Indian food Dosa is becoming popular in our country day by day. This dosa is good to eat with vegetarian or chickpeas. If you want to eat out, you can make it at home. Here is the recipe. Its main ingredients are rice and pulses. How many hours dosa should be soaked?

What are the ingredients of dosa batter

To make the perfect dosa batter, wash urad dal, fenugreek seeds and enough water in a deep bowl mix up Cover with a lid and soak for 4 hours. Many people ask again why dosa is not crumbly? While making paper dosa, an important tip is to maintain the temperature of the pan. If the tawa is slightly hot, you won’t be able to spread the batter. If the tawa is not hot, the dosa will not be crispy. So while cooking the pan should be maintained at medium temperature…

How to make dosa mix at home


2 cups regular rice (or idli rice)

1 cup urad dal (split black gram)

½ cup fenugreek seeds

Salt to taste

Water (for soaking and grinding)

Oil (for greasing the pan)


Rinse the rice, urad dal, and fenugreek seeds separately in water.

Soak the rice and fenugreek seeds together in a large bowl with enough water. Soak the urad dal in a separate bowl with enough water. Let them soak for at least 4-6 hours or overnight.

How to make crispy dosa

After soaking, drain the water from the rice and fenugreek seeds. Grind them in a blender or wet grinder to a smooth batter. Add a little water at a time as needed. The consistency of the batter should be similar to pancake batter.

Transfer the ground rice batter to a large bowl.

Next, grind the soaked urad dal into a smooth and fluffy batter. Again, add water as needed. The batter should be light and frothy.

Add the urad dal batter to the bowl with rice batter. Mix well using your hands or a spoon. Make sure the batters are well combined.

Add salt to taste and mix again.

Cover the bowl with a clean cloth or plastic wrap. Allow the batter to ferment in a warm place for at least 8-12 hours or overnight. During fermentation, the batter will rise and become slightly sour.

How many hours to soak for dosa

After fermentation, the dosa batter is ready to use. Mix the batter gently before making dosas.

Heat a non-stick dosa tawa (griddle) or a cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Grease it lightly with oil.

Pour a ladleful of batter onto the center of the tawa and spread it in a circular motion to form a thin dosa. You can make it as big or small as you prefer.

Drizzle a little oil around the edges of the dosa and on top. Cook until the bottom turns golden brown and crisp.

Flip the dosa and cook the other side for a minute or two..

Remove the dosa from the tawa and serve hot with your favorite chutney, sambar, or any other accompaniment of your choice.

Repeat the process with the remaining batter, greasing the tawa lightly before making each dosa. Enjoy your homemade dosas with the delicious batter you’ve prepared!

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Tags – Recipe, Food 


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