Categories: Skin Care

Dot And key Moisturizer For Oily Skin Review

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Dot And key Moisturizer For Oily Skin Review

It is said by many that there is no need to apply anything to oily skin, because if you do not apply anything to the skin, no one can save the skin from drying out, but after cleaning the face, the skin loses moisture as soon as the oil on the surface of the skin is removed. If the oil layer on the face is removed, it can be understood that even oily skin is deficient in water. A good quality moisturizer can fill that gap..

Is Dot and Key moisturizer good for oily skin

Oily skin means acne breakouts and excess sebum secretion. Even if the skin looks oily from the outside, excess oil on the face cannot compensate for the lack of water in the skin. Moisturizer is required to maintain the moisture of the skin. Various ingredients in moisturizers help the skin retain moisture.

What kind of moisturizer to use?

For such skin, it is recommended to buy a moisturizer as low as possible. Those with oily skin, If they have problems with blackheads or whiteheads on their face, it is better to use a ‘non-comedogenic’ moisturizer.

Dot and key Moisturizer for Acne Prone Skin

If I had to pick one ingredient for oily, acne-prone skin, it would have to be salicylic acid. Dot and Key Cica is one such salicylic acid moisturizer that clears acne like a charm. With its non-comedogenic properties, it won’t clog pores or contribute to further breakouts.

Which Dot and Key Moisturizer is best for Dry Skin

Infused with super strong yet calming Sika with zero added fragrance, it provides quick acne relief for clear, calm skin.

and minimizes the appearance of pores for an improved texture

Dot And key Moisturizer For Oily Skin benefits

Ceramides & Hyaluronic Hydrating Face Cream – Daily intensive face moisturizing cream for nourished, soft and healthy skin. Helps accelerate skin barrier repair, balances skin microbiome levels: with probiotics Improves skin elasticity. Provides deep hydration for long hours: Deeply hydrates skin with hyaluronic acid to heal dry, irritated skin…!!

Read More,

How To Make Your Skin Glow Naturally At Home

Tags – Moisturizer, Skin Care, Skin Tips


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