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Foods To Avoid For kidney Stones

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Foods To Avoid For kidney Stones

Kidney is a very important organ of our body. Its main function is to filter the blood very well. Sometimes calcium, sodium reaches the bladder through the ureter. That amount accumulates more and more and starts taking the shape of stone. Those who have kidney stone problem, they have to choose their food very much. Many people in our country are suffering from kidney stone disease. Certain foods can cause kidney stones. So know the foods that should not be eaten to avoid kidney stones –

7 day kidney stone diet chart

Dairy foods rich in calcium help to strengthen our bones. But it is important to avoid them if you have kidney problems. You can eat chickpeas without milk. Radishes are rich in oxalates. So they cannot be eaten.

Eating excess amount of red meat can lead to various kidney problems including kidney stones. Eating red meat also increases the amount of uric acid in the body, which is very harmful for the kidneys….

List Of Foods That Cause kidney Stones

Drinking too much coffee, tea or soda puts excessive stress on the kidneys. In that case, the amount of calcium in the urine increases and the risk of kidney stones increases. So don’t eat hobbies.

Citric acid intake- Citric acid is very necessary in the body to protect against kidney stones. In this case, lemons, oranges, grapes, blueberries or such fruits rich in citric acid can be eaten….

Sodium is necessary in the diet to maintain proper fluid levels in the body. Fearing that eating sugar can lead to weight gain, many eat artificial sugar with food to reduce calories. Many people also consume diet soda for the same reason. It increases the risk of kidney stone.

Food For Kidney Stone Removal

Foods rich in vitamin C – If you have kidney stones, you should avoid foods that are rich in vitamin C…..

Energy drinks, sodas, synthetic juices can cause kidney problems if consumed in excess.

Energy drinks, sodas, synthetic juices can cause kidney problems if consumed in excess.

Sufficient water

The more water you drink, the smaller the stone and the faster it passes out in the urine….

 Adequate protein

Vegetable Good for kidney stones

Fish, meat, eggs are the first to come to mind when talking about protein. But according to doctors, it is better to rely on vegetable protein in this case. Various types of pulses, chickpeas, soya, beans, various types of nuts, green vegetables etc. contain vegetable protein. Must eat them.

Calcium is essential

Calcium is essential not only for bones but also for kidneys. If there is enough calcium in the body, then kidney stones can be prevented.

Foods like spinach, beets, almonds are high in oxalates. So doctors ask to eat more of these foods.Lemons, oranges, grapes, blueberries or similar citric acid-rich fruits can also be eaten…..!!

Read More,

Healthy Food For Kidney Patience

Tags – kidney Stones , Health Tips


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