Categories: Skin Care

Framycetin Skin Cream Uses

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Framycetin Skin Cream Uses

FRAMYCETIN Skin Cream is used to treat bacterial skin infections such as burns, scalds (injury with very hot liquid or steam), wounds, ulcers, boils, furunculosis (boils), impetigo (bacterial skin infection), sycosis barbe (an inflammatory disorder of the follicular).

Framycetin Skin Cream Uses In English

What does Framycetin do?

Learn about Framycetin

Framycetin is an antibiotic or antimicrobial agent used in combination with other agents. It is available in antibacterial or antiseptic eye drops, topical ointments, creams and gels. It also helps prevent the spread of infection in the body.

Framycetin Skin Cream Uses For Pimples

Framycetin Skin Cream Uses For Face

Framycetin is an antibiotic or antimicrobial agent used in combination with other agents is It is available in antibacterial or antiseptic eye drops, topical ointments, creams and gels. It also helps prevent the spread of infection in the body. Discuss with your doctor any other prescription medications you are taking, such as oral contraceptives, hormonal tablets, or dietary supplements because Framycetin Can create interactions with other drugs and cause several health complications.

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Tags – Cream, Skin Care


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