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Healthy & Tasty Mushroom Soup Recipe – Mushroom Soup

AVvXsEhkg5iITzYDapo2ntXaU_ZF8fNkkcssGsCa3bFz9rzroud0Xs1yOfgbRjSOfMekCEqjiZMB67jt2RcDUOuUWOZRJzQICN9t9yJMMqfgx_AdxJT-rOOSgNcT0u3IBcb408FUIe7MSvNPsHqHF_JOo48l4bRIWYJX2VXIR71YDSPNpGhX65xZviQDbDya=w295-h320 Healthy & Tasty Mushroom Soup Recipe - Mushroom Soup

Mushroom Soup Recipe

This nutritious mushroom soup is very tasty to eat, and nutritious. The mushroom soup in the restaurant is made with a lot of things, so even a small amount of the test is reduced, so make mushroom soup at home. But let’s see how to make mushroom soup.

Mushroom Soup Recipe Indian

* What do you need *
Mushrooms – 150 grams
Eggs – 2
Corn Flower Cup – One third
Soy sauce
Chop the onion
Coriander leaves crushed
Cabbage crumbs
Chili powder

Healthy Mushroom Soup Recipe

* How to make *
First peel the mushrooms, then heat the oil in a pan and stir in the mushroom powder, onion powder, chilli powder, red chilli powder and a little salt. Fry all the ingredients well, add vinegar and soy sauce. In another bowl, boil well with 6 cups of water.
Mix corn flower in 1 cup cold water, pour it in the soup and stir it with a spoon. Beat the eggs and mix well in a bowl then mix in the boiling soup with a spoon. Stir in the soup with a spoon while mixing the eggs. Now you have to mix the testing salt. Finally sprinkle coriander leaves on top.
After 1 minute, test and see if everything is fine. And try the hot delicious mushroom soup.
Also read,
Easy Homemade Vegetable Soup Recipe In 10 Minutes

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