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High Blood Pressure Symptoms, Causes & Treatment – Health Tips

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High Blood Pressure Symptoms, Causes & Treatment – Health Tips

High Blood Pressure Symptoms & Treatment

As time goes on, we get so busy that we forget to pay attention to ourselves. None of us can understand when the body becomes weak due to thousands of busyness, thousands of mental stress, work stress etc. In this way high blood pressure is increasing in the body. Let’s find out today what is high blood pressure?

Hypertension causes, symptoms and ways to control

What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is a complex health problem. Which is from hyper tension. As a result, blood pressure in the body increases. It is also called the silent killer.
If the blood pressure in the arteries of the heart is too high, it is called high blood pressure.

What causes high blood pressure in men & Women

* What are the reasons:
Weight gain, eating too much salt, over-thinking, tension, depression, waking up at night, excessive drinking, having too much caffeine in the daily diet, eating fatty foods on the diet, also causing high blood pressure due to thyroid problems, kidney problems, stress etc. Goes 6
* How do you know if you have high blood pressure *
If the blood pressure reading is 140/90 or more, then you have a problem with high blood pressure. If the upper pressure is above systolic 140, the lower blood pressure is above diastolic 90, then this condition is called high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Symptoms

1. Shortness of breath.
2. Swelling of the legs.
3. Chest pain.
4. Bleeding through the nose.
5. Severe headaches.
6. Headaches
7. Dizziness.
8. Neck pain
9. Feeling sick or nauseous
10. Slightly restless body trembling
11. Not getting a good night’s sleep
12. Fatigue
13. Lack of attention

Moni Sarkar

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