Categories: Skin Care

Himalaya Neem Fash Scrub Review

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Himalaya Neem Fash Scrub Review

Himalaya Neem Fash Scrub How To Use

Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Scrub is great for skin. Himalaya Neem Fash Scrub removes dead skin cells and cleanses deeply. Removes blackheads, regular exfoliation keeps it deep clean. Apricot kernels gently exfoliate dead skin cells and blackheads and help stimulate new cell growth, while wheat oil rich in natural vitamin E nourishes your skin. The result is soft, supple and glowing skin.

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Himalaya Neem Fash Scrub benefits

Himalaya Purifying Neem Scrub removes impurities and dead skin cells with antibacterial properties. It also removes excess oil from the surface of the skin, which prevents acne, and neem face scrub is also good for the skin. The scrub is infused with the goodness of neem, which removes blackheads and acne. It is enriched with the goodness of apricot which hydrates the skin, thus giving it a soft, fresh and radiant glow.

Which Himalaya Face Scrub Is Best

How to use:
Wash face first, then apply pure neem scrub on face and neck in a circular motion. Rinse with water and pat dry. Use at least once a week for clear, acne-free skin.

Himalayan Pure Neem Face Scrub removes impurities and dead skin. And using it does not dry out the skin, it also removes excess oil from the surface of the skin, which is one of the causes of acne.


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