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Banana wine ingredients


You’ll want to use fresh, whole, ripe bananas. Note: Leave the “banana bread” ripe, but definitely going in that direction. The ripeness of your bananas will affect the flavor, sweetness, and ABV of your final wine, so unless your bananas are overripe, they should be kept off for a few days. Remove any stickers, wash the bananas, cut and discard the ends, and slice them. Slice – peel and all. There is so much flavor in the peel!

Simple Banana Wine recipe

One last note: the appearance of the first few stages of making banana wine can vary greatly based on the bananas used.

Sometimes the liquid becomes relatively “clear”, as in the upper left image below.

It’s all good. As I mentioned before… this wine becomes interesting! It’s always fun to see which way it starts and see the transition from there.


While sugar is technically optional when making wine, adding no sugar at all would result in an incredibly dry wine.

When you’re making wine from bananas—much like any other light-colored, non-grape fruit—you want it to have at least some residual sweetness, or it won’t taste very good. Sugar helps bring out the banana flavor!

Because of the strong nature of banana flavor—and how much it sticks around after fermentation—it can definitely handle the added flavor from a brown sugar.

HOW To Make Banana Wine

I find that brown sugar – in whole or in part – makes this wine smell and taste a bit like baked good, when it’s used whole granulated white sugar. It’s a bit more complicated. Conversely, using all white sugar will give you a wine with a “cleaner”, clean banana taste.


How to Make Banana Chili

If you want to make a mead instead of wine, you swap sugar for honey can do We will usually use 15-20 pounds of honey for this, if made as is… although we will usually make small batches of mead. (3-5 pounds of honey is used for 1 gallon of water). Add the ground cloves, cinnamon and pepper and stir gently.

Cover the jar with a lid and let it sit in a warm place for 15 days. Every few days, use a sanitized paddle to stir the mixture briskly.

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Rack your wine in sterile bottles using sanitized equipment,Cap the bottles tightly and store in a dark and cool place for another 2 months to allow the wine to reach a good alcohol content. Don’t touch the wine during this time…

Health Benefits:

Most people underestimate the health benefits of bananas. They contain potassium, which is good for the heart and brain. Banana also regulates blood pressure. Because bananas contain natural sugars, which instantly boost energy levels!

Tags – Life Style


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