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How To Make Tasty Thai Corn Soup – Corn & Thai Mixed Soup Recipe

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How To Make Tasty Thai Corn Soup – Corn & Thai Mixed Soup Recipe

Thai Corn Soup Recipe

12 cups of water
Shrimp crumbs
2 chicken cubes,
2 eggs,
Maggie sauce, soy sauce
Tomato chili sauce
Testing salt
1 teaspoon of sugar, salt
Ginger, garlic
Lemon juice
Raw chilli, dried chilli

Thai Baby Corn Soup

First boil 12 cups of water in a pot. When the water boils, add chicken cubes. In another bowl, add ginger, garlic, ogota, dried chilli, oil and shrimp. Once the water is dry, the fish should be covered in stock for a while.
Then add all kinds of sauce, sugar, salt, lemon juice, vinegar. Then you have to break the egg and leave it in the stock little by little. Then you have to give the mixed cornflower. After 5-7 minutes, when it boils, think that it is done. Before serving, serve with testing salt and raw chilli.
Moni Sarkar

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