Categories: Skin tips

Is Odomos Cream Good For Skin : Odomos cream Uses

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Is Odomos Cream Good For Skin: Odomos cream Uses

This cream is used to repel insects other than mosquitoes, using a formula that masks the body odor normally emitted by human skin, making you virtually invisible to mosquitoes. One of the best protection against mosquito bites for up to 12 hours; Ideal mosquito repellent for children; Enriched with the goodness of almond oil and Vitamin-E….

How To Use Odomos cream

Can we apply Odomos on baby face?

It is safe for skin, even for children And it contains aloe vera and citronella that moisturize the skin. No side effects.

Is Odomos gel safe

Can we apply Odomos to clothes?

The latest introduction of Dabur Odomos is fabric roll-on, easy to use, it does not stain the fabric. Formulated with natural ingredients, it is safe for everyone including children, it protects against all kinds of diseases and is a convenient option while traveling…..

Odomos is a clinically proven brand of mosquito repellent that provides the most effective protection against mosquitoes. Independent institutes have tested and certified Odomos as the best protector against mosquito bites for up to 8 hours against carriers of deadly viruses that cause diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria, Filaria and Encephalitis etc…….

Is Odomos safe for daily use

Odomos uses a formula that is human Masks the distinct odor emitted on the skin making you virtually invisible to mosquitoes. Odomos provides 100% protection against mosquito bites……

Also, conventional mosquito repellants such as liquid vaporizers, mats and coils offer protection when one is confined within the confines of a room, whereas the Odomos personal application range offers protection not only indoors but also outdoors…….

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Tags – Odomos Cream , Skin Care


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