Categories: Skin Care

Laser Treatments For Face

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Laser Treatments For Face

Laser Treatments For Face cost

Let’s know before starting the article
What is a laser?
Sunlight has a specific wave length, which separates it and makes special changes in the human body by increasing its power many times. Laser is done using such a unique technology. It is a photon beam, which is harmless to the skin. So this treatment can be taken safely.

Laser Flux 1000 diode machine made for dark skin of people of our country is being used, which penetrates deep into the skin and destroys unwanted hair in the bud without causing any damage to the skin. The heat generated from this is absorbed by the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the fibroblast cells of the skin are stimulated to produce collagen and rebuild the damaged tissue.

Laser Treatments For Face  And Neck

Laser beam in acne removal

Photon rays have been successfully used worldwide to treat acne for over 15 years. Without any problem, the bacteria responsible for acne are these rays Absorbs and destroys germs. Therefore, in this case, the need to take antibiotics is reduced. This treatment should be done once or twice a week for six to eight weeks.

Laser Treatments For Face Wrinkles

Acne scars

If you have had regular acne since childhood, you may have these scars on your face. Or there are holes in the face, but acne lesions can spoil the smoothness of your skin and spoil your beauty, so the need for treatment is enough.

Laser Treatments For Face Tightening

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Any injury other than acne, burns, cuts and scrapes, surgical scars (such as caesarean section) or stitches can mar the beauty of your skin. This laser treatment can remove it.

Laser removal of skin tumors

Carbon dioxide lasers are highly effective in treating skin tumors and cancers, warts, and age wrinkles. The biggest advantage is that it does not require anesthesia. Pain free.

Chemical Peel:

Exfoliating chemicals are used to remove the top layer of dead skin cells. This treatment can remove black-brown spots from the skin to a large extent. Chemical peels cost between Tk 3,000 to Tk 7,000 per session. Twice the need for treatment.

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