Categories: Recipe

lemon chicken breast recipe : lemon chicken breast recipes air fryer

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lemon chicken breast recipe- lemon chicken breast recipes air fryer

 If you are looking for a delicious and easy to make boneless lemon chicken breast recipe, you have found it! Lightly battered and sauteed tender chicken breasts are drizzled with a lemon, butter and wine sauce. This is a fancy restaurant entrée to make at home and in only 30 minutes.

lemon chicken breast recipe Oven

ingredients for lemon chicken

boneless, skinless chicken breasts

all purpose flour

kosher salt


large eggs

olive oil

salted butter

white wine

reduced sodium chicken stock

lemon juice


fresh parsley

Scroll down to the recipe for full quantities of the ingredients.

lemon chicken breast recipe Easy

substitutions and additions

Try chicken tenderloins or boneless skinless chicken in place of the chicken breasts.

To make the recipe gluten free, substitute gluten free flour and chicken stock.

lemon chicken breast recipe For Dinner

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lemon chicken breast recipe With Cepers

If wine’s not your thing, just use more chicken stock.This chicken breast recipe has bold flavors. Serve some simple side dishes. Mashed potatoes, fluffy rice, slices of rustic bread are perfect for sopping up the delicious lemon sauce. Steamed broccoli, asparagus, green beans and sauteed zucchini are tasty along side the one pan chicken dish and add a pop of bright green color.

Tags – Recipe, lemon chicken breast recipes


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