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Mango Ice Cream Recipe

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Mango Ice Cream Recipe

When you make an ice cream at home, you use all the fresh and natural ingredients. It enhances the nutritional value of the ice cream and makes it a much better option as there no preservatives or artificial colorants used during its preparation.

Mango Ice Cream Recipe In English

Mango is one of the most favorite fruits, and homemade mango ice cream is in huge demand, especially during hot season.

• Heavy cream – 1 ½ cups (375 ml)
• Cold milk – 1 cup (250 ml)
• Sweetened condensed milk – 1 cup (250 ml)
• Fresh mango pulp – 1 ½ cups (375 ml)

Mango Ice Cream Recipe without cream

Mango Ice Cream Recipe with milk

1. Take the cream and pour it into a bowl and beat it until semi-whipped.

2. Beat the milk and condensed milk together in another bowl until well combined.

3. Pour the milk and condensed milk mixture into the semi-whipped cream and fold in the mango pulp. And mix well.

Mango Ice Cream Recipe At Home

4. Pour that mixture into a metal freezer tray and freeze them for about 10 to 12 hours or until solid.

5. About an hour before serving, place the ice cream in the refrigerator to soften slightly.
6. Remove from freezer and serve in a bowl using ice cream scoop.

4-5 Persons

Read More,

Mango Shake Recipe 

Tags – Ice Cream , Recipe 


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