Categories: Skin Care

Monsoon skin care for combination skin

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Monsoon skin care for combination skin

 Glowing Skin In Rainy Season – Monsoon season means sweltering heat and sometimes scorching sun, on the one hand, Monsoon brings relief in our life, but this is the time when many diseases and skin problems occur. So it is important to make some changes in skin care at this time. Intense heat, humidity and rainy season can reduce the glow of your skin. To counter these weather effects, a A good skincare routine is very important.

 Check out these tips that will easily cure your skin problems this monsoon.

Monsoon skin care Tips home remedies

Eliminate acne problems

Rainwater contains acid and other impurities. Therefore, if rain water gets on the skin during monsoon, acne or rash will occur. Wash your face regularly with an oil-free, water-based product to prevent clogged pores. So use a scrub once a week.

Monsoon skin care tips for dry skin

Eliminate oily skin

During the monsoon season, the skin becomes more oily due to excess humidity. As a result, the pores of the skin become blocked and acne or blackheads appear. So wash your face with a mild foaming face wash 2-3 times.

Use moisturizer

It is very important to use moisturizer on the skin during monsoons. It keeps skin moist. Moisturizer keeps the skin alive. of the skin You can use regular moisturizer to eliminate the problem.

What should we apply on face in rainy season

No heavy makeup at all

A heavy makeup look is a no-no during monsoons. It can damage the skin. You can use products like BB or CC cream. It maintains the beauty and vitality of the skin.


Regular exfoliation is an important part of the monsoon skin care routine. Cloudy, overcast weather can make skin look dull. Regular exfoliation removes dust, dirt, dead cells, oil from the skin and makes the skin glow easily.

Regardless of skin type, use a soap-free face wash during monsoons to get rid of dirt and oil. Wash your face at least 2-3 times daily. Try to keep the skin clean.


Exfoliate regularly during monsoons. It will remove dead skin cells. Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week. It improves blood circulation.

Use toner

Due to the high humidity during monsoons, the skin becomes sticky and sticky. So use toner in your skin care routine at this time.

Drink water regularly

 Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It will help reduce the problem of acne and rashes on your skin.

 Don’t skip the sunscreen

Many people skip using sunscreen during the rainy season because of the cloudy weather. But strong UV rays can easily penetrate your skin. So use sunscreen even during monsoons.

Use natural face packs

It is important to use a face mask at least twice a week during the rainy season. At this time, if you use Multani clay face mask, you will get good results.

Use of vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Which removes health and skin problems. It boosts your immune system. Add vitamin C rich foods to the diet.

Use antifungal powder

Along with facial care, the body also needs care. Bacterial attack on the skin increases during monsoon. Moisture in the air makes the skin sticky. Apply some antifungal powder after bathing every day during monsoon season to avoid infection. Then use suthal made with neem, it will keep the skin healthy. Problems like scratching and itching will be removed…..!!

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Monsoon Skin problem

Tags – skin care, Skin Tips


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