Categories: Skin Care

Nuskhe By Paras Pigmentation Cream Reviews

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Nuskhe By Paras Pigmentation Cream Reviews

Pigmentation Problem: One of the various skin problems is the problem of pigmentation. Usually pigmentation starts deep inside the skin and spreads gradually. If you want to get rid of this problem, you need to adhere to the right facial products along with proper facial care and treatment. And also drink plenty of water regularly. You can use a good quality cream to remove this pigmentation… .

Nuskhe By Paras Pigmentation Cream Benefits

 Nuskhe By Paras Pigmentation Cream is very good for skin. All ingredients used are natural and free from toxicity and irritation. Thus, making the cream safe even for oily and sensitive skin. It helps detoxify the skin, improves blood lymph circulation to promote glowing skin.

Papaya Extract: Treats skin pigmentation, moisturizes the skin, Exfoliates dead skin cells and has anti-aging properties.

This cream helps remove blackheads, as well as reduce blemishes and even out your skin tone.

It will keep your pigmentation under control. This is to get rid of the unnatural blemishes on your skin caused by the effects of acne, pimples, pigmentation, arm marks, scars, dark circles under the eyes, etc… ..!! 

For best results, we recommend using our Papaya Pigmentation Facewash.

How do you use Paras Pigmentation Cream?

How to use? 1-After cleansing and toning, apply dots all over face and neck focusing on pigmented areas. 2-Smooth until the skin absorbs it. Caution – If you want to use the cream in the morning, avoid sun exposure as it may cause itching, irritation and dusting.

You can also remove pigmentation at home —

Two spoons of rice powder

A spoonful of lemon

Two to three spoons of rose water

Two spoons of sandalwood powder

Create Facepack like this-

First, take two spoons of rice powder in a bowl. Now add a spoonful of lemon to it. You can mix rose water in it to make a paste. Now make a paste and keep it. Now take two to four spoons of sandalwood powder in another bowl. Now make a thin paste. Your face pack is ready.

How to use?

Clean your face first. Apply this pack in several steps all over the face. If there are spots on other parts of the body, you can also apply it there. Now massage the skin with your hands in a circular motion. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off with clean water. You will see that your pigmentation is gone…!!

Read More,

Acnemoist Cream Review || Acne Moist Cream Uses

Tags – Cream, Skin Care


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