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Russia moon mission failed || Russia moon mission status

Russia moon mission update : Russia could not make history. A very bad thing. Russian spacecraft Luna-25 crashed on the moon. The country’s space agency Roscosmos reported this on Sunday. The Russian vehicle was supposed to land on the moon on Monday.

(Russia’s first lunar mission in 47 years smashes into the moon in failure)

IMG_20230821_111246-1692596574598 Russia moon mission failed || Russia moon mission status

Russian moon mission 2023

But that dream was not fulfilled. A successful landing of the Russian spacecraft on the south pole of the Moon would have made new history. Because no country’s spacecraft has successfully landed in that South Pole before.

Another step would have brought the spacecraft into the closest orbit to the moon. But before that there was a setback. Luna-25 faced an ’emergency’ before its final orbit descent on Saturday. As a result, he could not be delivered into orbit according to the specific measurements and plans. It crashed into the lunar surface after speeding up. Russia participated in this first lunar mission in the last 47 years. But that attempt failed.

Russia Moon mission in hindi

Roscosmos said in a statement on Saturday, “An emergency situation has arisen in the automatic station of the lunar rover while pushing Luna into the final orbit before landing.” As a result, in this situation, it is not possible to do some work necessary to land the vehicle. The spacecraft was supposed to land on the Moon’s south pole for the first time. But the mission failed after it encountered problems during its pre-landing orbit.

Russia’s state space corporation Roscosmos said Sunday morning that it lost contact with Luna-25 just after 2:57 p.m. on Saturday (August 19).

In a statement, the agency said, preliminary findings showed that the 800 kg lander crashed on impact with the lunar surface.

Roscosmos said it will investigate why the special mission failed.

Tags – News, Lifestyle

By Bristy

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