
Schezwan Fried Rice Recipe

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Shezwan Fried Rice is a popular delicacy…. An Indo-Chinese dish that combines the flavors of rice with Szechuan sauce. Schizwan sauce is aromatic and loved by many around the world. Szechwan/Sichuan/Szechuan is a style of Chinese cuisine originating from Sichuan province in southwestern China…. Now it is popular in our country too. Its taste is incomparable…!

✓✓ It will take —-

2 cups basmati rice 2 eggs1 large onion 1 cup carrots 1 cup French beans 1/2 cup finely diced capsicum 1/2 cup finely chopped coriander leaves1 tablespoon ginger vinegar 2-3 green chillies cut into diamond shapes1 tablespoon soy sauce 4 tbsp Séjourn sauce2 tbsp finely chopped garlic2 cups spring onion1 teaspoon of pepper powderSalt to taste2-3 tbsp white oil…..

Schezwan Fried Rice Masala Recipe

Cooking instructions: First, wash the rice and soak it for 1 hour, then when the water is hot, add salt, long, cardamom, and bay leaves to it and cook it to 80%, drain and cool it.Then I beat the egg with very little salt and fried it. After that, heat oil in a pan and stir it with chopped garlic, green chillies and chopped onion….

schezwan Fried Rice Masala Ingredients

I will stir it with beans to make it crunchy in the high flame. Now I will cut the chopped green capsicum into thin long pieces and stir it in the high flame and stir it with Sezwan sauce. Now stir a little with 80% boiled rice and mix well with ginger soaked in vinegar and vinegar….Mix well and add egg, chopped coriander leaves, mix well again and keep covered for 3-4 minutes. After 3-4 minutes serve with hot chicken……!!

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