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Sesa Hair Care Review || Sesa Hair Oil Benefits

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Sesa Hair Care Review || Sesa Hair Oil Benefits

When I was a child, my grandmother-grandmother used to cover her head and apply hair oil and then take a bath. According to them, oil should be applied to the hair to keep the head cool. Not only that, applying hair oil (Hair Care Tips) makes the hair soft, thick, black and healthy. But for those who remember the old days and put oil on their hair, here are some easy tips.

Today I will talk about an oil that works great in hair care…

How To Use Sesa Hair Oil

Sesa Ayurvedic Hair Oil is a blend of 18 medicinal herbs and 5 oils that are indicated for the prevention of scalp diseases using the ancient Kheer Pak Vidhi. It stimulates hair growth and removes dandruff and scalp infections. It also fights against premature graying of hair. The oil is free from mineral oil. This oil also acts as a great moisturizer and helps retain the shine of the hair… !!

Is Sesa oil good for hair growth

Rich in vitamin E, this oil nourishes hair, locks in moisture and makes hair strong and shiny. Sesame oil contains oleic acid which easily penetrates deep into the hair to retain moisture.

Sesa Hair Oil is an Ayurvedic formulation that helps fight various hair problems and gives long-lasting results. The oil contains essential nutrients that accelerate hair growth as it increases blood circulation to the scalp… !!

sesa hair oil ingredients

Massage a portion of the oil into the hair and scalp for about 5-7 minutes. Leave for at least an hour (you can leave it overnight). Use 3-5 times a week for 3-4 months. Regular use of Sesa oil is very important in improving the condition of the scalp and hair… .!! 

Read More,

Scalpe Shampoo Uses || Scalpe Shampoo Review

Tags – Hair Tips , Hair Oil 


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