Categories: Life Style

Summer Vegetables – Summer Vegetables Name In India

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Summer Vegetables: Summer Vegetables Name In India

Among the summer vegetables, brinjal, rind, sweet pumpkin, kakarol, bitter gourd, potal, cucumber, puishak, lalshak, dantashak, gima kalmi etc. are notable. The amount of fertilizer to be given before sowing the seeds and seedlings of these vegetables is mentioned below. However, the area of ​​fertilizer use is more or less different from vegetables.

 Summer vegetables like cucumber, tomato, potl, sweet pumpkin, rice pumpkin, kakarol etc. have a lot of calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, anti-oxidant, minerals and vitamin A, C, etc. Which is very effective in keeping the body healthy including prevention of seasonal diseases.

Summer season Vegetable Name

Low in calories and high in fiber, lentils help control heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. This vegetable is very beneficial for girls. The ‘folate’ content in it helps in conception. And prevents miscarriage. Besides, the vitamin C contained in it helps prevent ‘colon’ cancer. Usually chicken pox, measles etc. diseases are more common in summer. In this case, eating bitter gourd, known as ‘anti-disease’, can prevent these diseases. Vitamin C, minerals and dyes contained in these vegetables are also very beneficial for the body.

On the other hand, the ‘phytonutrients and polypeptides’ contained in kankarol help in glycogen synthesis. It is also very effective in reducing blood sugar levels.

Summer Vegetable in india

Vitamin C in vegetables helps in building collagen in the body. Which increases the ‘joint flexibility’ of bones and reduces arthritis.

Gourds: Gourds grow in all types of soil. Gourd varieties are Pusa Naveen, Pusa Meghdoot, Pusa Summer Prolific Long, Pusa Summer Prolific Round. Five hundred to six hundred grams of seed should be sown per bigha. Seed treatment, cultivation method, care is almost same as pumpkin.

Summer Vegetable

Harvest : Yields best in dry, warm climates on all soil types. A soil pH of 6.5 to 7 is best. Good varieties of this crop are Jhumka, Boulder. For Corolla Long Green, Pusha Special, Coimbatore Long. Six hundred to seven hundred grams of seed should be sown per bighe Seed treatment, cultivation method and description are almost same as pumpkin.

Zinge: This vegetable grows best in well-drained soil with organic fertilizers. In any case, water should not be allowed to accumulate at the base. If the temperature is high in this cultivation, the number of male flowers increases. As a result the yield will decrease.

Chichinga: This vegetable grows well in warm humid climates on loamy soils. A soil pH of six to seven is best.

Pottle: Pottle grows best in sandy, loamy soils with good drainage.

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Best Vegetables to Grow in Summer Season

Humid and warm weather is suitable for potal. The improved varieties of this vegetable are Kajli, Lata Bombay, Dudhia. Roots should be planted at a distance of 6 feet by 6 feet in November-December. Seed treatment and identification are similar. 15 to 20 quintals per bigha yield is obtained after three to three and a half months.


Mulo is a nutritious vegetable but many people do not like to eat it. Mulo contains a lot of carotene, vitamin A, calcium.

Tags – Life Style , Summer Vegetable


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