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Tasty Homemade Creamy Vegetable Soup Recipe – Tips

AVvXsEg9YnuGeL0wMP25CxApGU6rwBOhEF3OpoH7R84vGk4VYPWIgr2lI4uYoXtu4nTwbSx6l5O46PHZbE5Z7p9sRI3_6BPvwxc8iK0qlbOUpVvEzwbi7flmLxCNC7uhTGpf-LoGvGzaMoFgvcznUU8amuLsagKEWG0aVOYvCFq8G-sBNibIPqKOQFImUY1a=w264-h320 Tasty Homemade Creamy Vegetable Soup Recipe - Tips

Creamy Vegetable Soup Recipe

A bowl of soup in winter means a different kind of love.
Soup is a favorite of almost all of us, big and small. Normal vegetable soup is a favorite of all of us. But the recipe of vegetable cream soup is unknown to many of us. Vegetable soup has a different taste, but find out the recipe of vegetable soup today.

Creamy Vegetable Soup Ingredients

* What materials are needed *
1. Vegetable stock – 6 cups,
2. Carrot crumbs
3. Salt
4. Butter
5. Sugar
6. Soy sauce
7. Cabbage crumbs
8. Chilli powder
9. Cauliflower powder
10. Pepper powder
11. Cream
12. Lemon juice
13. Conflower

Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup

* How to make *
First heat the butter in a pan, add the carrots and lightly fry in hot stock. Then add salt soy sauce and black pepper to taste. Add a little sugar, chilli powder, soy sauce and lemon juice. Then you have to mix the flour and then take the cream out of the oven. Then serve the hot soup with chilli powder and tomato sauce with vegetable cream soup.
Tags – Food Recipe, Cooking, Vegetable Soup

By Bristy

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