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The 9 Best Foods For Hair Growth & Thickness Immediately – Tips

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The 9 Best Foods For Hair Growth & Thickness Immediately – Tips

Best Food For Hair Growth

To get thick hair, you must include protein, vitamins, vegetables in your diet. In addition, regular hair care should be taken. We all like thick hair, but nowadays various chemical products such as shampoo or hair care to get rid of premature hair loss or hair loss to find out what foods to eat thick hair.

Food For Hair Growth And Thickness

1. Eggs – Eggs are rich in protein and biotin. Which helps to thicken the hair. Put eggs in the diet every day to make hair strong and thick.
2. Spinach – In addition to health benefits, spinach helps to thicken hair. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Iron. To prevent hair loss and thicken and strengthen hair.
3. Fish – Fish helps restore hair density. Fish contains omega three fatty acids, which help prevent hair loss and increase hair density.
4. Cauliflower – Cauliflower contains Vitamin A, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron. All of these help reduce hair loss.
5. Avocado – Avocado helps reduce hair loss. Avocados are rich in vitamin E. It is healthy for hair and prevents hair fall.
6 . Carrots – Drinking carrot juice every day increases hair density. Carrots contain vitamins K, C, B6, B1, B3, B2, fiber, potassium and phosphorus.
7. Almonds – The nutrients found in almonds. And oil is very beneficial for skin, hair, brain and heart. From simple peanuts, almonds, walnuts and almonds are all beneficial foods.
8. Peas – Keratin is a very essential ingredient for hair. Peas are rich in this protein. You can eat beans regularly for strong hair. This will increase the hair.
Follow the tips given above, and make beautiful strong thick hair.

Tags – Hair Growth, Hair Care, Hair Tips
Moni Sarkar

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