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Tuna | Tuna Size | Tuna Fish Recipe

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Tuna | Tuna Size | Tuna Fish Recipe

Tuna, (genus Thunus), also called tuna, any of seven species of marine fish, some very large, that form the genus Tunus and have great commercial value as food. They are related to mackerel and are placed with them in the family Scombridae (Order Perciformes). Tunas vary significantly within and between species.

Tuna, opah and mackerel sharks are the only species of fish that can maintain a body temperature higher than the surrounding water. An active and agile predator, the tuna has a smooth, streamlined body and is among the fastest swimming pelagic fish – the yellowfin tuna.

Tuna Food

for example, capable of speeds of 75 km h (47 mph).[3][4] Widely inflated speeds are found in early scientific reports and are still widely reported in popular literature.

Found in warm seas, tuna is widely fished commercially as a food fish, and is popular as a blue water sport fish. Due to overfishing, some tuna species, such as southern bluefin tuna, are threatened with extinction.

Tuna Fish Recipe

Tunas are long, strong and streamlined fish; They have a rounded body that tapers to a narrow tail base and a forked or crescent tail. In color, tunas are usually dark above and silver below, often with a sharp sheen.

A row of small finlets behind the dorsal and anal fins, on either side of the base of the tail, and a corselet of enlarged scales in the shoulder region. Another notable feature is a well-developed network of blood vessels under the skin that acts as a temperature-regulating device associated with long-term, slow swimming.

Bluefin tuna

Temperature-regulating device associated with prolonged, slow swimming.Because of this vascular system, tuna are unique in their ability to maintain body temperatures above the surrounding water, often 5 to 12 °C (9 and 21.7 °F) above the ambient water temperature.

The seven species of Tunas are northern bluefin tuna (T. thynus), albacore (T. alalunga), yellowfin tuna (T. albacares), southern bluefin tuna (T. thynus macoyi), bigeye tuna (T.

Nutrition facts and health benefits

Yellowfin tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids that help improve heart health and lower cholesterol.

Yellowfin tuna is high in protein and low in calories.

It is a rich source of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure levels.

Yellowfin tuna contains selenium, zinc, manganese and vitamin C, which help boost the immune system.

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Health Benefits of Tuna

Here are some ways to cook this fish

Yellowfin tuna is best eaten raw, but if you want to broil or grill it, cut steaks about 1 ½ inches thick for the best flavor.

Tuna is a fish that doesn’t need much to enhance its flavor. You can brush it with oil and sprinkle with salt.

For grilling, you can try marinating the fish in a little oil, brown sugar, and white wine for one to two hours before grilling.

Enjoy yellowfin tuna with avocado or salad. It’s a great way to add a textural element and flavor to a simple salad.

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