Categories: Recipe

Veg Momos Recipe: Momos Ingredients List

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Veg Momos Recipe: Momos Ingredients List

Momo is one of the most popular Tibetan recipes. Whether Bengali or non-Bengali, everyone is ignorant to say Bengali mom. And nowadays it is famous all over India, especially in northern part of India. Different cities have their own recipes.

 A plate of steaming momos is a Bengali emotion in the afternoon or in the rainy evening. So here is a very easy momo recipe for everyone. Check out –

Veg Momos Recipe In English

Ingredients :- To make Veg Momo 2 Cups of Grated Cabbage (First remove the top leaves of the Cabbage and wash it, then Cabbage must be graded), 1 onion chopped (but the onion must be cut into small pieces), 2 spoons of oil, graded ginger-rusun 1 spoon, 1 green chilli must be chopped into small pieces, a little pepper powder , like the amount of salt, 1 spoon of soy sauce and 2 cups of flour.

Also required for making chutney – 3 small tomatoes, 1 onion, 8 rusuns (if the rusuns are big then 4 to 5 rusuns), a little ginger

Veg Momos Recipe Ingredients

 How to make veg momos?

Method :- First chutney to serve the veg momos Let’s make it, so more than 1 cup of water should be added to the curry. Now put tomato in water. If it is a big tomato, then divide it into two parts and put it in the water. Now put onion slices, ginger-garlic, whole dry chillies in the water one by one and give enough salt.

Then it should be covered for 1o minutes.

But once in a while open the cover and turn the tomatoes over and cover again.

After 15 minutes the cover should be removed. Then take it out and let it cool.

When all the ingredients are cool Chutney for serving momos made by discarding tomato skins and making a fine paste.

How to make Momo:-

To make momos, flour must first be kneaded. So take 2 cups of flour in a bowl.

Put a little salt in the flour and add 1 spoon of oil.

Oil and salt should be mixed in the flour.

Then mix the flour with little water. At this time momor pur should be made, so heat the pot and add a little oil. 1 spoon of oil is enough.

Add one by one in the oil The raw material will remain raw. After that, graded cabbage should be given one by one, and salt should be given as much. Now mix all the ingredients.

Then turn off the gas. Add chilli powder and soy sauce in it.

Momor pura is made by mixing all the ingredients. Now take it down and let it cool.

After that, to make momos, small lechis should be cut from the dough, so that the balls are a little bigger than the puffs.

Take one lychee and cover the remaining lychee

First, the lychee should be well rounded. You have to fill in between. Then it should be tied and tied so that it does not overflow.

Veg Momos Recipe Step By step

All momos should be made in one way.

To steam these momos, heat a pot with water.

To take the momos, put a little oil in a pot with a hole.

Then one by one momos should be given but care should be taken that one does not stick to the other.

Now cover it and place it on boiling hot water.

Then let it be for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes open the cover and carefully take down the momo. Make the rest of the momos in the same way.

Then serve the veg momos hot with chutney. Oh my tongue is watering to tell you. Haha!!!

Read More,

Kanda Bhaji Maharashtrian Style Recipe: Kanda Bhaji Ingredients

Tags – Food, Recipe


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