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Vitamin E Capsule On Face Overnight Benefits

Dermatologists know the importance of vitamin E capsules. It is essential for overall health but especially important for skin and hair. From nourishing hair follicles to boosting collagen production, it has many benefits. It can be eaten, used as an oil or even in capsule form.
It can be eaten or applied on the face for healthy glowing skin. It works great in preventing dark circles and pigmentation. Vitamin E oil has antioxidant and anti aging properties. It is great for reducing puffy skin and skin redness. If you are interested in skin care, you must use vitamin E regularly. Many people use it in cosmetics. Regular use of vitamin E gives great results, As it removes various skin problems like acne, rashes, blemishes, it also increases skin radiance and gives glowing skin.

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How To Use Vitamin E Capsules For Face

Different sources of vitamin E
Vitamin E is easily available from various things in our daily life. That list includes, Aloe Vera, Almond, Sunflower, Papaya and many more. Apart from these natural sources, many moisturizers, serums, creams rich in vitamin E are available in the market these days. Before knowing, just know the amount of vitamin E well.

How to use vitamin E capsules in cosmetics?
For each of the tips below, we will use the oil that is obtained by breaking open the capsules. Since one capsule leaks about half a teaspoon of oil and vitamin E oil is very heavy, so you use one capsule of oil according to your skin type and use as much as you need.

How To Use Vitamin E Capsules For Pimples

(1) Vitamin E Skin Serum-
The Body Shop has a vitamin E facial serum. I bet if you use vitamin E capsules on your skin, you will get the same results as the body shop serum. For those with dry and normal skin, apply vitamin E oil drops on the skin and massage it with light hands. And oily skinned readers, the oil will be too heavy for you. So rub just one drop of oil first with both hands, then hold both hands on the face for 5 seconds. Your serum application is done.

(2) Vitamin E Hair Serum-
Vitamin E is very good for preventing hair fall and treating rebonded or colored hair. To get more benefits, break 2-3 capsules and take the heavy oil in a container and apply it on the scalp and hair. Leave it overnight and wash it off the next day.

(3) Vitamin E Night Cream-
I know many people will be afraid to try the 1st tip. Because the facial oil thing is still not very popular in this country. These tips are for them. Take your favorite night cream or light baby cream. Now mix 1-2 capsules of oil well in this bowl. Now with regular use of this cream you will get the quality of extra vitamin E. In the same way, you can break and mix vitamin E capsules in your favorite body lotion.

To get smooth, rosy lips-
After applying the oil on the face, hands and feet, put a drop of the oil on the lips and go to sleep. Get relief from the pain of black, chapped lips. You can break the capsule and mix it with your favorite lip balm or Vaseline and use it regularly.

To remove dark spots under the eyes-
There are many people who use almond oil to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If you mix vitamin E oil with it, you will get good results in a very short time.

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Aloe vera Gel Vitamin E Capsules For Face Benefits

To remove very old cuts or acne scars-
If you have old cuts, acne scars or pox scars on your skin, apply a drop or two of vitamin E oil regularly. Little by little, the stain will lighten. Vitamin E oil is very effective in lightening such blemishes.

And if you want to eat, try to give vitamin E to the body through good balanced food instead of taking capsules. Eat more vegetables, nuts, eggs etc. Skin and hair will be good and no extra risk will have to be taken..
Tags – Vitamin E Capsule, Skin Care

By Bristy

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