Categories: Weight Lose Tips

Weight Loss Drink

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Weight Loss Drink

There’s a reason weight loss is such a dreaded subject for many of us – it can be just so stubborn! Try as we do, losing those extra kilos from problem areas such as our belly and thighs remains an uphill, almost impossible task. And God knows how crazy weight-loss diets and exercise routines can be. So, is there no solution? Of course there is!

Weight Loss Drink At Home

Green Tea
Green tea is a popular weight-loss drink. Its popularity as a weight-loss drink is rising day by day. The powerful ingredients that make green tea an effective drink to lose weight are caffeine and potent antioxidants. These ingredients boost metabolism and aid in fat burning. A 2-3 cups of green tea enable you to burn around 40% more fat in a day.

Weight Loss Drink In morning

Yoghurt Smoothies
Consume yoghurt as a drink or smoothies to lose weight in a healthy way. The thick yoghurt smoothies can suppress the appetite. And, just like skim milk, it is rich in calcium that helps burn fat and slow down accumulation of fat in the body. According to a research, one can burn 60-70% more fat if adds yoghurt in his or her weight-loss diet plan.

Honey-Lemon drink
Hone-lemon drink prepared using warm water is a potent weight-loss drink. The drink stimulates bile production that helps our digestive system to effectively breakdown fats into fuel. It reduces the fat deposits in our body. Also, the pectin contained in lemon keeps your appetite and cravings in control.

Weight Loss Drink Recipe

Weight Loss Drink before bed

Ginger Tea
The medicinal properties of ginger make it a powerful natural aid to lose weight. It improves digestion. A better digestion is capable of burning more calories and fat. Also, due to the presence of gingerol, it boosts blood circulation and metabolic processes. It enables us to better digest the junk food that leads to more fat burning and less fat accumulation.

Weight Loss Drink water

Weight Loss Drink for summer

Vegetable Juice
Vegetable Juices are found very effective for weight loss. They are rich in nutrients and easy to prepare and consume. These juices improve metabolic performance that helps you burn more calories and fat in a day. Also, on drinking these low-calorie juices before meal you tend to eat less that reduces calorie intake. Some of the popular vegetable juices for weight loss are Carrot juice, Cucumber juice, Beetroot Juice, Watermelon juice, Bitter gourd juice and Celery juice…….

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