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What are the benefits of health card in India

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What are the benefits of health card in India

Health card benefits can vary depending on the specific health card or health insurance plan you have. However, here are some common benefits that are often associated with health cards:

Government Health Card Benefits

Medical Services Coverage: Health cards typically provide coverage for a wide range of medical services, including doctor visits, specialist consultations, hospital stays, surgeries, diagnostic tests (such as X-rays and blood tests), and emergency care.

Important Benefits of Having a Health Insurance Card

Prescription Medication Coverage: Many health cards offer coverage for prescription medications, either partially or fully. This coverage may include a list of approved medications (formulary) or may be based on specific medical conditions.

Ayushman Bharat health card benefits

Preventive Care: Health cards often cover preventive care services, such as vaccinations, screenings (e.g., mammograms, Pap smears, colonoscopies), and annual check-ups. These services aim to detect and prevent health issues before they become more serious.

Mental Health Services: Many health cards provide coverage for mental health services, including visits to psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists. This coverage can be important for addressing mental health conditions and accessing necessary treatments.

Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy: Health cards may cover rehabilitative services, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, to aid in the recovery from injuries or surgeries.

Maternity and Childbirth Services: Health cards often cover prenatal care, maternity visits, and childbirth expenses, including hospital stays and related medical services. Some health cards may also provide coverage for newborn care and pediatric services.

You can avail cashless hospitalization

Health insurance cards work only if you get hospitalized in a network hospital of the insurance company to provide you with cashless treatments. you can initiate the cashless claim process and get your claim settled easily and quickly.

Important Benefits Of Having A Health Insurance Card

Specifies the validity date

Just like your debit and credit cards contain their validity date, your health card also contains the date up to which your health insurance policies would be valid And  If you require specialized care, your health card may cover specialist referrals, allowing you to see a specialist without having to pay out-of-pocket for the consultation fees.

It’s important to note that the exact benefits and coverage can vary significantly depending on your specific health card or health insurance plan. It’s always advisable to review the terms and conditions of your health card or consult with the provider to understand the specific benefits available to you..

Read More,

How important is social health : What are the benefits of good social health

Tags – Health Card, Lifestyle


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