Categories: Oil

What Is AXE Brand Universal Oil Used For

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What Is AXE Brand Universal Oil Used For

Ax Oil is made from a unique formula and has been used around the world for over 90 years. It is pure in color, pleasant in smell. It is mild but suitable for relieving dizziness, headache, blocked nose and colds, colic, insect bites, rheumatism and muscle pain. How to use Apply a few drops to the affected area and massage gently. For stuffy nose: A handkerchief or tissue Apply 2-3 drops to paper and inhale deeply. To relieve flatulence and abdominal discomfort: Repeat hot towel application as often as needed.

What does AXE brand universal oil do

It is mild yet suitable for both adults and children to relieve discomfort, headaches, travel sickness, stomach aches, insect bites, rheumatic pain, muscle aches, nasal congestion and colds… .

How do you use AXE universal oil

Features and details

Ax Oil is made from a unique formula that has been used worldwide for over 90 years.

It is pure in color, pleasant in smell.

For quick relief of cold and headache.

It is pure in color, pleasant in smell. It is mild but suitable for relieving dizziness, headache, nasal congestion and colds, abdominal pain, insect bites, arthritis pain and muscle pain.

Is Axe oil good for muscle pain

how to use

Apply a few drops to the affected area and massage gently. Repeat the hot towel application as often as needed… .

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Tags – Oil, Lifestyle


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