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What is Mangosteen Called In India : What is Mangosteen Fruit Good For

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What is Mangosteen Called In India: What is Mangosteen Fruit Good For

Mangosteen is an exotic, tropical fruit with a slightly sweet and sour taste. It is originally from Southeast Asia but is found in various tropical regions of the world. The fruit is sometimes referred to as the purple mangosteen, the juicy inner flesh is bright white. This fruit can provide many health benefits due to its rich supply of nutrients, fiber and unique antioxidants.

Is Mangosteen Available In India

Where are mangosteens found?

Mangosteen is a plant native to Southeast Asia. Highly prized for its juicy, delicate texture and slightly sweet and sour flavor, mangosteen has been cultivated since ancient times in Malaysia, Mainland Southeast Asia, and the Philippines.

Mangosteen is a superfood

Mangosteen is antioxidant-rich and helps fight free radicals and repair damaged cells. Mangosteen is one of the world’s most remarkable superfoods.

“”“”It is called “Mangustan” in Hindi, “Ivarumamidi” in Telugu and “Kattampi” in Malayalam””””

Healthy amounts of manganese and magnesium are also present, and new research suggests that xanthones—a powerful antioxidant found almost exclusively in mangosteen—have properties that fight pain, allergies, infections, skin disorders, and fatigue while supporting gut health.

Why Mangosteen is Called Queen Of fruits

Mangosteen is used for diarrhea, urinary tract infection (UTI), gonorrhea, thrush, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, cancer, osteoarthritis and intestinal infections like dysentery.

What Is Mangosteen

Health Benefits of Mangosteen 

Highly Nutritious. …

Rich in Powerful Antioxidants. …

May Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties. …

May Promote Weight Loss. …

Supports Blood Sugar Control. …

Promotes a Healthy Immune System. …

Helps Maintain Healthy Skin.

How many mangosteen eat a day?

You can consume them two to three times a day to help relieve pain.

Can diabetic eat mangosteen?

For centuries, it has been used in traditional medicine. Important substances found in mangosteen are alpha and gamma mangostin, an isoprenylated xanthones type of chemical known to contain antioxidants…..

Read More,

List Of Citrus Fruits And Vegetables

Tags – Fruit, Health Tips


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